Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

patika sutta

  1. Patika Sutta - Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka

    tipitaka.wikia.com/wiki/Patika_Sutta - Terjemahkan laman ini
    Thus have I heard: Once the Lord was staying among the Mallas. Anupiya is the name of a Malla town,
  2. Patika sutta - Kitab Suci Buddha Tipitaka Online dan Terjemahan nya

    Melihat dan membaca Patika sutta Online di internet dan terjemahan nya.
  3. Patika Sutta - Origin of the God Belief | Compare Religions

    www.compare-religions.com/List_Patika_Sutt... - Terjemahkan laman ini
    In this excerpt of the Patika Sutta, the Buddha expounds the origin of the belief in a creator.From this sutta,it can be said that the concept of a creator cannot be ...
  4. Patika Sutta - Origin of the God Belief

    www.compare-religions.com/.../Patika-Sutta--... - Terjemahkan laman ini
    27 May 2009 – In this excerpt of the Patika Sutta, the Buddha expounds the ...

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